Changing the World, One Life at a Time
Love God Personally, Live Life Purposefully and Serve Others Passionately
"The purpose of our Student Ministry at Coaling Baptist Church is to EXPOSE students to God's love, to EQUIP them to EXALT God, ENJOY other believers and EXPERIENCE the call to ministry." Our ministry must be led by students to reach other students. We seek to help students understand their place in the body of Christ and to make decisions that will impact the world for future generations and eternity.

Sunday Mornings
Traditional Worship - 8:30 am
Join us as we worship with our church family at 8:30 am with Traditional hymns played by piano and organ with choir for any age.
Contemporary Worship 11:00 am
If you prefer more a more modern style of worship, join us at 11:00 am for Contemporary Worship. With contemporary Christian music played by and led by our Praise Team.
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
With a class for every age group, teens are welcome here! We have Gospel Girls (6th-8th grade ladies) led by Kaysn Holliday, Middle School Guys (6th-8th grade) led by Andy Foster and Thomas Foster, High School Ladies led by Dianna Dollar and Hannah Hoggle and High School Guys led by Mickey Suttle and Josh Lawley (both 9th-12th grade).