For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Our Food Pantry helps provide food for those in need in our community. We offer a weekly food pantry on Sunday afternoons at 3pm where people can come in and select produce and other donated items. We have a monthly food pantry on the 3rd Thursday of every month. During the monthly food pantry, we need volunteers to help with registration, filling food boxes and taking food boxes to vehicles.
Our Clothes Closet Ministry receives donations when the church office is open and before or after services on Sundays and Wednesdays. All donations are given to those in need. The Clothes Closet is open during the monthly food pantry on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Volunteers are needed throughout the month to help sort through donations, hang clothing and fold clothing,
Defend the Orphans Ministry mission statement is to extend God’s heart for the orphan to domestic and international orphans through God’s people being His hands, feet and voice sharing His love with them to the Glory of God. We host one big fundraiser a year that provides the funding to help with Christmas presents, graduation presents for high school seniors in foster care, and providing extras not covered by DHR for children in foster care. volunteers for this ministry are needed for Kickball tournament that takes place in October.
Our Clothes Closet Ministry receives donations when the church office is open and before or after services on Sundays and Wednesdays. All donations are given to those in need. The Clothes Closet is open during the monthly food pantry on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Volunteers are needed throughout the month to help sort through donations, hang clothing and fold clothing,
Defend the Orphans Ministry mission statement is to extend God’s heart for the orphan to domestic and international orphans through God’s people being His hands, feet and voice sharing His love with them to the Glory of God. We host one big fundraiser a year that provides the funding to help with Christmas presents, graduation presents for high school seniors in foster care, and providing extras not covered by DHR for children in foster care. volunteers for this ministry are needed for Kickball tournament that takes place in October.

Volunteer Leaders
Mary Waldrop & Travis Seagle
Mrs. Mary Waldrop is the lady that maintains order in the food pantry, makes sure the donations are stored and organized and fills the food boxes for those in need. Travis Seagle helps with the pick up of donations, scheduling volunteers and helping with registration.
Jacque Greenlee & Jean Smith
Mrs. Jacque Greenlee leads our Children's Clothes Closet. She sorts through donations, hangs the clothes and places clothes on the racks. Mrs. Jean Smith is the lead volunteer in our adult clothes closet. She accepts donations, sorts through the clothing and hangs clothes on the clothing racks.
Lauree Spurlin
Mrs. Lauree Spurlin is the lady that heads up this ministry to help children in foster care. Together with a team of volunteers, a difference is made in the lives of children needing a steady home. We've utilized several ideas to raise funds for this ministry including Flapjacks for Foster Kids and the Kickball Tournament. With one large fundraiser annually, we are blessed to be able to provide for some of the needs of orphans in our county, state, and world.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
We have different ministries God has placed upon our church to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those in our community. If God placed a new ministry on your heart that you would like to nurture and grow, talk to us so we can check with the needs of our community and help spread the love of Christ.
Volunteer FAQ
How do I volunteer in the Food Pantry and Clothes Closet?
Contact the church office and the ministry assistant will help you connect with those in charge of the ministries. The Clothes Closet needs volunteers weekly sorting through clothing donations and hanging them on racks. The monthly food pantry often needs help with registration, preparing food boxes and loading them into vehicles.
How do I volunteer with kids?
To volunteer with to teach or help with JAM Time, Compass Kids, Connect Groups or Vacation Bible School, see our Children's Minister, Abby Lee. To maintain the safety and security of all children at CBC, all volunteers working with children under the age of 18 need to have a background check on file.
How do I volunteer with music?
If you would like to join the choir during the 8:30 am service, see Richard Allen, the music director for Traditions and join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 . To play an instrument or be a part of the praise band, see Caleb Smith, the music director for "The Crossing". If you would like to volunteer in the sound booth or with livestreaming, see Caleb Smith or Richard Allen.
How do I volunteer with students?
If you are interested in in volunteering with our Student Ministry program, whether in Connect Groups on Sunday mornings, Small Group Leaders during Mosaic on Wednesdays, as chaperones on Summer and Winter Retreats, mission trips and events, see our Student Minister, Travis Seagle. But remember, to maintain the safety and security of our students (under 18), a background check must be completed.